
This bundle is still available for presale discount until the last course is live. With each course release, the bundle price increases. Purchase now to lock in your lifetime discount.

Develop An Excellent Children's Ministry Without Spending A Fortune On Training

This presale gives you 15 complete courses
for less than most ministry training costs for 1 underwhelming workshop.

Typical children’s ministry training courses don’t have long-term results. For small churches, they have even less.


Because …

  • most provide hype instead of solutions to real challenges
  • most share program ideas instead of strategies for sustainable ministry
  • most target churches with bigger budgets instead of the most prevalent size church in the world


Don’t you think smaller churches deserve better?

We sure do.

That’s why we are creating a ministry training course bundle with:

  • 15 complete courses, including Start Here, Team-Building, Program Solutions, Effective Teaching, Kids’ Worship, and lots more
  • Over 20 hours of video education. Each course listed contains multiple video modules with full transcripts and printable action guides for immediate application
  • A price that’s lower than one typical 3-hour ministry workshop


“10x the value for the same price” might sound like a sales slogan, but in this case, it’s actually true.

Here are a few words from creator Laurie Acker …

Hi. I'm Laurie Acker. Here's what I do.

But when I found myself in a small church a few decades ago, I felt like an alien on another planet! After 15+ years in full-time ministry in larger churches, I was struck with the truth that small church ministry wasn’t less, but it sure was different.

Shortly after finding myself at this small church, I returned to the basic truths of ministry, where the foundation is relationships and strategies aren’t based on numbers. I began looking where God was working (not what we were lacking) and developed new ways of doing ministry, developing volunteers, and planning programs.

By sharing what I learned along the way, I’ve been able to help smaller churches worldwide because excellent Jesus-style ministry isn’t bound by demographics or size.

And the best part?

  • You don’t need a seminary degree to do excellent ministry.
  • You don’t need a big budget or a building to change lives.
  • You don’t need to quit your day job to make an incredible impact in your church.


So, now I’m helping people in small churches who are where I was a few decades ago:

Frustrated, burned out, failing, and hoping to find something that changes everything.

That “something” is right here – in these ministry training courses!

I hope you love them.

Why Video Courses?

There are dozens of ways you could learn ministry tips and get advice.

So why choose video courses?

  • You can learn on your own time and at your own pace.
  • You can return to refresh, revisit, and relearn anytime.
  • It’s a lot cheaper than traveling to a training workshop.
  • You can pick and choose the topics you need when you need them.
  • You get a dose of my enthusiasm and passion.

Why Pay?

Learning from an experienced guide will save you months (and often years) of trial and error.

People in small churches regularly …

  • get frustrated by hours on Google and Pinterest piecing together ideas that may or may not work
  • waste money on curriculum and resources that are promised to be adaptable to smaller numbers (and aren’t)
  • blame their church size and volunteers for failure when that’s not the problem at all
  • give up completely because they’re using resources and strategies that were never meant for smaller churches


Paying for training isn’t ideal when your budget is already stretched; I get it.

But paying 10x more in time and money wasted is a whole lot worse!

Don’t make that mistake.

People are your church’s biggest asset. Invest in yourself and in developing others in your church and watch things change.

What you're getting!

Each course listed contains multiple video modules with full transcripts and printable action guides for immediate application.

Children's Ministry "Start Here" Course

$29 value
Where to start, how to spend your time, what's most important, and both short-term and long-term next steps.

Effective Teaching & Techniques For Children's Ministry Course

$29 value
Help for teaching, tips on curriculum, mixed-age classes, lesson planning, leading well, and managing behavior.

Healthy Leadership In Children's Ministry Course

$29 value
Includes leadership skills, boundaries, personal discipleship, emotional health, and renewal resources.

Creating An All-Church Pro-Kids Culture Course

$29 value
Develop an all-church vision and support for ministry to children and families. (How to develop raving fans!)

Partnering With Parents Inside & Outside The Church Course

$29 value
Involve, include, and connect with parents, guardians, and family members for mutual support and partnership.

Finding Volunteers & Team-Building For Children's Ministry Course

$29 value
Building relationships, recruiting, training, handling conflict, evaluation, accountability, and more.

Kids' Worship Course: Inside & Outside Of "Big Church"

$29 value
Engaging kids in "big" church, leading songs, teaching worship, and creating separate kids' church worship.

Children's Ministry Safety & Policies Course

$29 value
Best practices to protect children, volunteers, and your church, including wellness, behavior, screening volunteers, security, and more.

Nursery Solutions For Smaller Churches Course

$29 value
Best practices for birth to 5, creative nursery options, set-up, safety, and support for young families.

Leading Vacation Bible School, Kids' Camps, & Alternatives Course

$29 value
Tips and techniques for choosing, planning, and executing seasonal multi-day events and programs.

Program Solutions For KidMin At Smaller Churches Course

$29 value
How to identify, choose, and develop programs that make sense (based on God's design) for your unique setting.

Keeping Pre-Teens Engaged Course

$29 value
Understanding tween development, teaching, tips, managing behavior, involving them in service, and building leaders.

Finances, Budgets, & Creative Funding Solutions Course

$29 value
Create, request, and follow a budget, creative financing, fundraising, building trust, and finding support.

Special Needs, Differing Abilities, & Considerations In Children's Ministry Course

$29 value
Understand and plan for families with autism, ADHD, Downs syndrome, neurodiversity, dietary needs, cultural differences, and more.

Holiday Help & Ideas For Christmas, Easter, & Special Days Course

$29 value
Make holidays memorable with less stress and less prep: Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Mother's Day, Pastor Appreciation, and more.

This LIFETIME presale includes any updates and future courses added to the children’s ministry training bundle. The courses listed here will begin rolling out in 2024.

What people are saying about Small Church Ministry

I did not know what to expect, but it has been beyond my expectations. I am impressed and can't believe how much great info is here.
It has helped change the way I think about what is/isn’t “successful” for activities and programs at the church.
Small Church Ministry has helped me in so many ways, but to boil it down, it revitalized my mindset that the small church has everything we need to be the Church God designed us to be.
Pastor Don
I once thought it was participation (larger numbers = success); Laurie is teaching me to focus on serving God by nurturing relationships and meeting needs. So, the challenge is to nurture relationships among a wide range of ages and life stages.
Small Church Ministry is providing new ideas and has been instrumental in generating a thought process that has resulted in an exciting change in format (some small, others a bit larger).
Small Church Ministry empowers us to use what we have with a few for the glory of God.
Pastor Peter
If you are in a small church and have ever struggled with anything (burnout, getting volunteers, feeling “less than” bigger churches, knowing how to lead a Sunday school class of 3 kids, etc.), Laurie is the voice you need in your life.
It gave my team time to organize our thoughts and move in the right direction!!

How much?

We searched high and low to find comparable ministry training courses, and we found only a few that even came close to ours. They cost tons more money, many involve memberships, and most have limited access (and none were specific to small churches!)

But our heart is for small churches. For that reason, we’re offering lifetime access for the entire bundle for $199 (this is a limited-time presale discount).

Children's Ministry Training Course Bundle

$ 199
  • Children's Ministry "Start Here" Course ($29 value)
  • Finding Volunteers & Team-Building For Children's Ministry Course ($29 value)
  • Program Solutions For KidMin At Smaller Churches Course ($29 value)
  • Effective Teaching & Techniques For Children's Ministry Course ($29 value)
  • Kids Worship Course: Inside & Outside Of "Big Church" ($29 value)
  • Keeping Pre-Teens Engaged Course ($29 value)
  • Healthy Leadership In Children's Ministry Course ($29 value)
  • Children's Ministry Safety & Policies Course ($29 value)
  • Finances, Budgets, & Creative Funding Solutions Course ($29 value)
  • Creating An All-Church Pro-Kids Culture Course ($29 value)
  • Nursery Solutions For Smaller Churches Course ($29 value)
  • Special Needs, Differing Abilities, & Considerations In Children's Ministry Course ($29 value)
  • Partnering With Parents Inside & Outside The Church Course ($29 value)
  • Leading Vacation Bible School, Kids' Camps, & Alternatives Course ($29 value)
  • Holiday Help & Ideas For Christmas, Easter, & Special Days Course ($29 value)

This bundle is still available for presale discount until the last course is live. With each course release, the bundle price increases. Purchase now to lock in your lifetime discount.

Courses Available NOW for Individual Purchase👇

More courses coming soon!

Save 54% with the Presale Bundle

What if you don't like it?

Because of the incredible deal we’re offering on this presale, there are no refunds. If you’re unsure of the value, feel free to pass on this lifetime deal. 

If you’re still on the fence, then you don’t need to hear any more from me.
Instead, see what other people are saying:

Thank you Laurie Acker and Small Church Ministry for another successful ministry planning event in the books!! We had such a wonderful time, fellowshipping, discussing, and dreaming together!
Small Church Ministry has been helping me realize small isn't bad; it is just different. You have helped me learn the power of just one. With one (or two) I can personalize lessons, mentor, invest, and build relationships easier. I have learned techniques to do better announcements, create lessons and devotionals, and I have learned to use social media more effectively.
I don't feel alone in mission. There are so many churches in similar circumstances with encouragement and ideas as to how to move forward or help.
It is first of all encouraging to find a ministry that ministers to small church pastors and staff. They have great ideas and resources that, again, are "doable" and relevant to the congregations we minister to.
Small Church Ministry has provided great suggestions and access to resources that help our small church function in the best way possible.
The ideas I've gleaned from small church ministry have helped our children and youth ministry thrive. It has given me the courage and grace to lead and keep pressing toward the goal. Thank you!
SCM has brought clarity to my ministry regarding volunteers. I understand the need to invest in them and build them up. From time to time, I have also made use of info that has been shared in the Creative Solutions group. I can see the need to not do things alone!
I'm glad I have most of my planning done for the year, and the kids are excited about the events we're doing. And I have adults willing to help (most NOT on the youth committee). So I'd say it was definitely a success.
I am happy to tell you we had our Planning Party last Saturday with 8 in attendance. We are using the 7-week plan. We used each step in the plan and got fantastic ideas. We are now beginning work on the calendar. Thank you so much for your help & support.
Small Church Ministry helped remind me of the strengths small churches have. Using your 6 core principles of Children's Ministry to build off of.
Pastor Steven
Taught me the importance of connection over curriculum, given me great practical tools to improve what we were already doing, has given me the confidence to try some new things, has given a breath of fresh air and encouragement that it's okay to be small!
The Small Church Ministry has revolutionized how I view and flow in ministry. It has truly helped me take the focus off what others are doing (i.e., bigger churches), and be more laser-focused on how our ministry can do it a "different" way that yields impact, response, and results.
It really helped me form a good foundation when we had to rebuild our entire children's ministry from the ground up. I honestly have no idea what we would have done without all the wonderful resources! I'm so glad God brought me to you!
It provided support and "the next step" when I was at the end of how far I felt I could go in my area of ministry. I attended the youth and kidmin conference and it changed my perspective and brought me so much freedom.
By the way, I met with our kids church team tonight and used your resources as a guide to help us get more organized and formalized and to cast new vision! It was extremely helpful!!
Laurie has a real heart for small church ministry. She has great practical advice that can be applied immediately. Definitely worth listening and following. I always walk away motivated and inspired.
I am encouraged to do things differently. And it started with the volunteers conference and surprising statements: "80/20 is not a rule, it's a symptom" and "What if He already provided?" (Thank you Laurie!) I organized a Planning Party for children's ministry and it was a success - 12 people came and we have around 40 people on a Sunday worship!
Small Church Ministry has been an encouragement and helped me to realize that small does not necessarily mean unsuccessful. It has helped me stop focusing on the "smallness" of our church, and to celebrate the uniqueness of who we are and what we can do for the Lord in the place where we are at this moment in time.
In the next few months our church will change drastically ... Having listened to your podcasts, attended conferences, and put many of your ideas into action - I feel prepared to enter this new season with hope for regrowth rather than with an attitude of fear. Thank you for providing a foundation that I didn't even know I was going to need!
Small Church Ministry has helped me feel more connected and relieved other churches have similar challenges. It has also encouraged my faith that there are strategies and things we can put in place to help our church members get to where God wants them, which is what it’s all about.
It's given me tools to use in leading people. Given me ideas about what to try. And helped me make a mindset shift from our time in a bigger church to being in a smaller church now.
Just being able to access resources made specifically for small churches has improved the children's ministry of our church. Kids are excited each week to come and worship God and learn more about his Word.
SCM has helped us to organize and manage our projects through the best possible practices.

Save 54% with the Bundle

Still have questions? Email hello@smallchurchministry.com