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10 Low-Budget Ideas For Father’s Day Giveaways 

Are you a small church looking for low-cost gifts to hand out on Father’s Day? Here are 10 gifts for men that are doable with a small budget.

Acknowledging men on Father’s Day doesn’t have to be costly to be unique and memorable. It’s a nice thing to recognize all men in your congregation. Many of them are fathers, some are grandfathers, some are yet to be fathers, and ALL have fathers, either alive or in memory.  

Here are 10 ideas that have been great hits for men on Father’s Day! (plus a bonus idea at the end!)

1. Free Coffee With The Pastor

For a small church, this is an AMAZING gift idea if your pastor is up for it! Men receive a card for a one-on-one time for coffee with the pastor. The purpose of this gift is to promote fellowship and build great relationships. If your pastor’s time is limited or your church is on the bigger side, these coffee dates can be set up in small groups instead! (Be sure everyone knows this is not a time to ask for volunteers or discuss church business, but a time to build relationships instead.) 

Hand out invitations to every man for coffee with the pastor. Make sure that the card has clear instructions for setting up the time and place!

(If your lead pastor is a woman, it would be wise to choose instead a breakfast with the pastor and her husband or another male staff/board member.) 

2. Journal Books Just For Men

Journal books can be purchased fairly inexpensively online, in big box stores, or in bookstores. There are prayer journals for men to write out things from their quiet times or blank journals with scripture verses that can be used for devotion times, sermon notes, or prayer times. For a personalized twist, create these journals in a word document, print them, and then have them bound at the local office supply store with your church logo or mission.

3. Sweet Treats To Take Home

Who doesn’t like a treat? Whether you hand out packs of mini-doughnuts or create your own snack bag, let the men know, “We just wanted to give you something sweet because we think you are all awesome!” It’s a simple and yummy reminder that their church loves them.

4. Father’s Day Photo Booth

Create a photo booth with props like tools, fishing poles, and sports equipment. Make sure the focus is on the men in your church. In addition to it being a great place for selfies, have someone take pictures of men and their guy friends, as well as men with their families. You can post them on social media and print them out for extra fun.

5. Devotion Book For Men

Purchase devotions just for men at a local bookstore, Christian bookstore, or even a big box store. Because most devotional books are written for women, it’s refreshing to have something just for him.  

6. Scripture Cards Or Bookmarks

Purchase scripture cards online, at a local Christian bookstore, or DIY and create your own. Make them the size of regular business cards with short, encouraging scriptures. If you are making your own, be sure to print them on heavy paper or cardstock. Encourage men to keep a card in their cars, in their Bibles, on their desks at work, or even tape them to the bathroom mirror! What’s great about this gift, since it is smaller, is that you can give each man a set of scriptures. This is a wonderful gift to remind ourselves of the promises in God’s Word.  

7. “Have A Coffee” Gift Card

Give each man a gift card for a free coffee at a local coffee shop. If you don’t have the funds to purchase a free coffee for each man, see if the coffee shop would be willing to give you complimentary cards to hand out for a free coffee. If your local coffee shop doesn’t already have a card for this, you can offer to print up free drink cards on cardstock. Work out the details with the coffee shop owner, such as the expiration date and how and how much your church will pay for these drinks. (Many locally owned shops – usually not the big chains – will work with you on this!)

8. Framed Art: Psalm 112:1-7

Psalm 112:1-7 is a great encouragement to everyone, especially men. These verses are a reminder of God’s faithfulness and His blessing. For a low-cost option, create these yourself and grab frames at a dollar store!

9. Free Coffee & Doughnuts For Men Before Or After Church

This can be a men-only event or offered to everyone, but make the celebration in honor of the men. Coordinate with your ladies to bring in coffee cakes, muffins & doughnuts, or pre-order from a local bakery or grocery store.

10. Mini Flashlights

Whether he keeps it in his nightstand, in his car, or even at the office, everyone could use a flashlight! They are really affordable in value packs online or at a discount store. Add a little card that reads: “Jesus is the light of your world,” “Let your light shine so others can see Jesus,” or “Let your light and your testimony shine bright.

Father’s Day Gift Table Any Church Can Do

Bonus Idea: Father’s Day Gift Table

If you’re tired of giving men things they may or may not appreciate, try this! Set out a table of inexpensive gifts the men can choose from after the church service. Include items like mini tools, guitar picks, fishing lures, pocket spiral notebooks, golf pens, bungee cords, decks of cards, back scratchers, small bags filled with candy, coffee cups, packs of mini powdered sugar doughnuts, key chains, a fancy paper clip with a $1 bill, a baseball cap, a plant for the garden, etc.

Men love this because they get to choose something special they would really like to have! 

However, you decide to honor and bless the men at your church for Father’s Day, remember to thank God for them and pray for them. Every man will appreciate your prayers and the fact that you took the time to acknowledge and honor them.  

What are your favorite ideas for Father’s Day giveaways? List them in the comments below!

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