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Consider seven steps when planning your small church tea party. Guest writer Carla Adams guides us as she shares the steps she takes each year when she plans the Annual Ladies’ Tea at her small church.
You find benefits, tips, and how-to’s as Carla takes us through her small church tea party planning.
- Pray
- Enlist help to plan
- Start early
- Invite friends
- Build excitement
- Choose your speaker
- Recruit people to pray for your event
How It All Got Started
To be honest, I never planned to have an annual Afternoon Tea event for our women’s ministry. I accidentally created an annual tradition that has taken on a life of its own. Seven years later, the women are already asking, “What’s the date for next year’s tea?”
Seven years ago, the ladies Sunday school class raised money to offer scholarships for some of the youth who would not otherwise be able to afford to attend summer camp. I was working in the youth department at the time and felt it was important to create an opportunity for the youth to demonstrate their appreciation. We settled on an afternoon tea party.
Try one of the Make It & Take It events in 10 Holiday Events To Spice Up Your Women’s Ministry for other ideas that could work for small church fundraisers.
A Tea Party Tradition Was Born
In January of the next year, I was approached by several ladies asking for the date of the Tea Party so they could invite their friends. “Hmmm, I hadn’t planned a date?” Everyone had the same answer, “That’s okay, it is still early in the year, just let me know as soon as the date is selected!”
Thus began our annual tradition, which has grown from 26 attendees to 115 this last April. I still seek ways to be creative and keep costs to a minimum, but after the third or fourth year, I did create a line item in the women’s ministry annual budget for the event. On average, I spend between $250.00 and $350. 00 for the event. But, take heart, you can have a beautiful event for much less!
So, now that you know a little of our history, let me share the steps I take each year as I plan the Annual Ladies’ Tea.
Looking for a done-for-you complete tea party?
The Tea Party Bundle Vol. 1 has 3 complete, creative, and engaging tea party programs, themed beautifully for you!
Check out the Tea Party Bundle Vol. 1!

Plan Your Small Church Tea Party In 7 Steps
1. Pray
Ask the Lord to show you the theme He has planned for your gathering. As with anything else, when we START with His plan, everything goes smoother!
He may give you a verse to build your theme around, or maybe He will give you the perfect idea for a party favor that suggests the correct bible verse or theme for your planning.
Either way, you will find things unfold as they should when you start with prayer. Also, pray that God will reveal the helper(s) He has selected for you.
2. Find At Least One Person To Serve As A Co-Planner
Even in a small church, one extra pair of hands is usually available. That first year, I relied heavily on my husband. Each following year, God has brought me at least one other lady to help.
Read Core Value #1 to set up you and your co-planner for success in planning.
Most years, I delegate the food details. My co-planner will ask for volunteers to donate finger foods and “fancy” desserts appropriate for High Tea. This past year, I also had two ladies who took on the task of decorating our space.
3. Start EARLY!
If you think you can plan the event in 6 weeks, start 2 weeks earlier. I promise you will need more time than you first thought. Begin looking at the church calendar in January for our spring event. That way, you can approach your church leadership with at least 2 possible dates to avoid having a calendar conflict with other events. Just because your church is small, does not mean the calendar is empty!
As you build your team, consider trying one of the team-building activities in Ministry Team Building Strategies For Small Churches for something fun to do as a group during your weeks of planning for your tea.
4. Invite Friends
Encourage the ladies to invite ladies who are unreached, unchurched, or otherwise just need a little “extra love and attention.” Although we are grateful to share the day with Christian sisters from other churches in our community, we take special care to invite those who need to be introduced to our Lord!
Women’s Event Supplies
- Large serving tray
- Paper plates, Napkins, Utensil set
- Gluten-free/dairy-free cookies
- Dry-erase Board
- Post-it notes, Colored pens, Sharpie permanent markers
- Candles, Lotion
- Table cloths roll
5. Engage Other Church Members To Build Excitement
As soon as I have a date, I start recruiting table hostesses. The hostess is responsible for decorating her table.
We have 6 ladies per table, including the hostess. I give them a list of items to include: a plate, cutlery, a teacup/saucer, and a glass (in case the guest would prefer water or punch).
The church provides pretty white napkins, but if the hostess would like, I encourage them to use cloth napkins to match their tablescape.
Tea Party Notes For Hostesses
- First and foremost: Prayerfully consider who God would have you invite.
- Decorate a table for six (6). Table decorations may be as simple or as elaborate as you choose. Include the centerpiece of your choice (themes encouraged) and
- Tablecloth (if you choose).
- Each place setting should include a plate, teacup (and saucer if you have one), water or tea glass (in case the guest prefers a cold beverage), and cutlery (spoon, fork, and knife). If you would like to provide cloth napkins to match your table please do. Otherwise, we will provide white paper napkins.
- Greet each guest and act as a hostess during the event for those at your table.
- Please be ready to receive guests at 1:45 p.m.
- Please join me now in praying over the event and for each woman who will attend.
- As you invite women to join us, please consider women from the community, women who are unchurched, women who need to be loved on a little, and most importantly, women who need to know Jesus! Also, this will be a beautiful event to invite pre-teen and teenage girls to introduce them to the fellowship and loving support of Christian women in their lives.
Notes For Tea Party Maitre D’s
I also recruit men to serve as our Maitre Ds – seating the ladies as they arrive and helping to restock the buffet table/ hot water throughout the event.
“The ladies feel so loved and pampered having an escort to their seats each year!
Thank you for agreeing to serve.”
- Please wear a white shirt and black pants.
- We will provide a red bow tie.
- Please arrive at 1:30 pm at the Fellowship Hall for instructions on seating our guests and assisting to serve during the event.
6. Choose Your Speaker For A Brief Devotional
For most years, I have led this. Honestly, that usually makes the most sense for my small church budget! But, one year, we had our state mission catalyst come and speak.
Be open to what the Lord has planned. He may surprise you! This year, we had a book signing for a local Christian author, with a portion of book sales designated for our church mission fund.
If you are the one who will speak, How To Host A Women’s Tea Party gives an example of a tea-themed devotion for a small church tea party.
Be open to possibilities. Check out this great tip and reasons to invite unknown speakers to your tea party.
7. Recruit Prayer Warriors Three Weeks Before The Event
Ask other church members, Sunday school classes, etc., to pray specifically for the Ladies’ Tea. The day of (we have ours on Sunday afternoon), the pastor leads the congregation to pray specifically for the event in our morning service.
Borrow Table Settings To Save On Costs
The first year, the Youth served, and I borrowed enough china place settings for 30 guests.
We decorated the fellowship hall, offered several different tea varieties, and another Sunday school class helped to provide baked goods and finger sandwiches. It was a lovely afternoon of intergenerational fun.
I had practically no expenditures. For a small church, budgeting is important!
Looking for a done-for-you complete tea party?
The Tea Party Bundle Vol. 1 has 3 complete, creative, and engaging tea party programs, themed beautifully for you!
Check out the Tea Party Bundle Vol. 1!

Party Favor Ideas For Your Tea
Each year as we grow, I add another element to the event. For example, four years ago, I added party favors for each lady who attended.
If your budget allows, consider a Flip-Book of scriptures for your next party favors.
One year, I purchased tiny flower pots from Dollar Tree, painted each one with gold paint, and created faux crack lines on the body of the pot. The theme for that year was 2 Corinthians 4:7. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us”(NIV).
I included a teabag with the name of a missionary and their birth date inside the pot. The ladies were encouraged to pray for “their” missionary on his or her birthday as they drank their cup of tea.
This past year, I found a template on social media of a large teacup with scripture listed for different qualities. I attached a small demitasse decorative spoon to the card.
- Hospitali-TEA (1 Peter 4:9)
- Generosi-TEA (Luke 6:38)
- Hones-TEA (Ephesians 4:25)
Ask Local Ministries To Join You
This year we also invited other ministries from our area to have informational booths. After all, if I am encouraging our ladies to be involved in ministry, I should offer them some ideas, right?
Benefits Of Hosting A Tea Party
From experience, I can tell you that a Tea Party is a wonderful way to not only celebrate the women in your church, but we find it to be an effective tool for evangelism as well. I pray this is just the spark you need to ignite your most creative ideas.
These seven steps give you the basics to start planning your small church tea party. Whether you have it in two months or next year, you can easily begin steps today to lay a foundation for excellent planning.
Read More:
10 Must-Have Women’s Ministry Mixers For Small Churches
4 Fun Mix & Match Elements To Create The Perfect Christmas Party
3 Fun Events For Your Women’s Ministry

Carla Adams is a wife, a nurse, a women’s ministry leader, and an author. She is passionate about finding ways to encourage women to use their God-given tools, talents, and spiritual gifts to Serve Him, His kingdom, and His people. Carla lives in Middle Georgia with her husband and 3 fur babies.
Thank you . This info is helpful as we are planning a women’s tea party
you are so welcome!